Turning Your Vision into a Plan of Action

Fundamental to the success of all EPC projects, our team at Deux Project provides guidance about what is needed and why to help define the project scope and objectives. Deux Project aims to ensure projects meet stakeholders’ expectations and deliver value to clients.

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Client Consultation

Comprehensive discussions with our clients to understand their vision, goals, and specific requirements for the project. Deux Project wants to clearly identify and understand our client's expectations, constraints, and preferences.

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Site Assessments

Site assessments designed to gather information about the project site’s physical characteristics, environmental conditions, and regulatory considerations. This helps in designing solutions tailored to the site's unique features.

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Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies to evaluate the technical, economic, and legal aspects of the project, which includes assessing the viability of the project, potential risks, and recommending alternative solutions.

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Regulatory Compliance Review

Review and analysis of regulatory requirements applicable to the project, including identifying permits, approvals, and compliance standards necessary for the successful execution of the project.

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Risk Management

Identification of potential risks associated with the project, including technical, environmental, and market risks, and the impact of these risks on project timelines, costs, and overall success.

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Needs and Requirements Documentation

Detailed documentation of the project’s specific needs and requirements. This documentation serves as a foundation for the subsequent phases of the project, ensuring clarity and alignment with client expectations.

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Budget Assessment

Review of all financial constraints and considerations associated with the project, including assessing budgetary requirements for design, procurement, construction, and other project phases.

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Timeline and Schedule Assessment

Along with our clients, establish project timelines and schedules and outline key milestones, deadlines, and any time-sensitive aspects of the project.

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Stakeholder Engagement

Engage with relevant stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, local communities, and other entities that may have an interest in or be affected by the project.

Join Us On The Path Forward

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